Insomniac Saturday Night Build Off!

Started by Juwayyid, April 19, 2014, 03:50:46 PM

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Shoot for the moon. And if you miss....You'll die horribly in space.


The buildoff is going to be postponed until tomorrow at 9pm..... be sure to make it!!!! It is going to be singles.... :)


The buildoff is postpone until tomorrow at 9pm EST... it is going to be singles...... I hope you guys can make it....!! :P


I hope there will be some or many people for tonight`s buildoff at 9pm EST......and it is going to be singles also.  :)

Due to some conditions, the buildoff has been postponed to tomorrow at 8pm EST.... I hope to see you guys then. :) The buildoff will be still be singles but going to be at an earlier time so people can make it.


A reminder the buildoff is going to be teams tomorrow at 9pm EST. Hope to see you guys tomorrow. :)


Due to some conditions the build-off will be postponed until next Saturday.... I hope many insomniac members who will be participating in the build-off next Saturday.

There will two build-off on Saturday, Nov.29, 2014, (here is the schedule for next Saturday):

  • The singles build-off will be at 5pm EST (build-off #36).
  • The teams build-off will be at 8pm EST (build-off #35).


 Future buildoffs have been postponed until such time as player availability increases (ie; during the holiday break). This includes the buildoff at 8pm EST...


The buildoff is now reinstated. As per the last build off, the time we begin will be:

Each Saturday at 4 PM EST.

If this is not a good time for majority of builders, it can be adjusted.

Also, there has been a call for 2 hours of buildoff time. This is being decided, but with past experiences of solo 2 hour buildoffs being somewhat dull, there may have to be a compromise.


We can probably work out a nice elegant system...and then proceed to NOT use it and simply argue for 20 minutes before the build-off actually starts- as per tradition.


Time has been changed to the previous time of 8 PM EST, due to lack of participation.