Minecraft 1.4 snapshots

Started by sifitis, August 24, 2012, 03:53:34 PM

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Hi, these are the official snapshot release notes for 1.4

12w32a (1st snapshot of 1.4 that Im aware of)
■Villagers will now react positively on new trades, and negatively if you hurt them
■Villagers will not remove trades, but trading something else may be required to renew the old ones
■Zombies and Skeletons have new equipment, depending on difficulty
■There's a new kind of Zombie, too
■Added the "Command Block" intended for adventure maps. It's not craftable and not in the menu, but its id is 137
■A suprise block! This block is still work in progress, but will get a crafting recipe later on

12w34a (I donno where 12w33a is, its not in the notes)
■Added item frames
■Added cobblestone walls (yes, mossy too)
■Maps now align to a grid, making it easier to create adjacent maps. Maps can also be cloned
■Stairs now auto-arrange into corners. This is a test and may change based on feedback
■Mobs can travel through portals
■Leather clothes can be dyed
■Removed the "wip block" from the creative menu
■Added two new crops and associated items
■F3+P will toggle the auto-pause when the window loses focus (it's for debugging, mainly)
■F3+H will toggle detailed item descriptions (also for debugging)
■Added arrow-sensitive wooden buttons
■Trapdoors can be placed in top-most position (based on cross-hair aim)

12w34b (bug fixes)
■Fixed item frame crashes
■Fixed nether portal stuff
■Changed recipes for buttons
■Minor armor gfx changes
■Tweaked the "hidden feature" (still not ready for release)

Now, I ran a hamachi server for 12w34b (latest) and myself and butler had a blast making invisible creepers, hanging maps up on walls, and making zombies with pink armor.  I highly reccomend all of you (or any, depending on if you care or not) go to the site and download the snapshot right now.  Lots of fun.
Ill add to this post as the new snapshots come out.

The secret block is the "beacon block"  Its a strange one that, when placed as the top of a gold, diamond, or emerald pyramid, will shoot a beam of light into the sky.  The size of the pyramid alters its power level, which determines the range of the bonus effect it gives off (ie speed, health, whatnot).

The secret feature MAY be a new mob called a whither.  This I have never seen for myself, but Butlerbandit assures me it is a very creepy new boss mob.

Theyve also added invisibilty potions, flowerpots, night-vision potions, and a ton of new features.

Have fun!

Download for 12w34b can be found here:
Client:   http://assets.minecraft.net/12w34b/minecraft.jar
Server:    http://assets.minecraft.net/12w34b/minecraft_server.jar

Please feel free to add anything I know I missed.


Step into the prehistoric era and come face to face with some of the greatest animals to ever walk the Earth!



Its fun to place multiple Beacon blocks together because they make one really powerful bright beam.  The effect from the inside is just as cool, It looks like youve broken the space-mine continuum (get it, minecraft pun :P)

Pics attatched along with a bonus picture of my EVIL GRANNY ZOMBIES!


AH, Screw updates!

They just get in the way of things!
Though not of this world, The Juwayyid finds human kind to be a tolerable enough species to hang around with.


but WITH the update, we can make PINK ZOMBIES!!!


I hope they do keep the stairs bit. It would make pretty good for houses.


agreed, its a very nice touch.  If nothing else, they should make a block for it, as oposed to completely removing it.


Whats the stairs bit?  I didn't want to read nor watch that long video...
Though not of this world, The Juwayyid finds human kind to be a tolerable enough species to hang around with.


Quote from: Juwayyid on August 25, 2012, 01:13:01 PM
Whats the stairs bit?  I didn't want to read nor watch that long video...

The impossible can be possible if you yearn to achieve it. -MB
[spoiler]Practice is good but I'd like to say it is not everything. Some people hit a 'plateau' and they practice for hours and hours but they just don't seem to get any better. It is mental. Escape the fate. There is no destiny because you can make your own. Talent does not exist, or if it does I do not have it. There is no such thing as gifted. If someone can do it, if it's possible, I can do it. You and I can become infinitely better. Maybe natural talent does exist, but it really doesn't matter because i'll overcome it. Fuck talent, fuck biology, and fuck a diceroll. I want to be the best and I'll rise no matter what. It's this psycho attitude which makes me 'so good'. -Wonderland (tf2 pro soldier/rocket jumper)[/spoiler]


Wow, Mojang finally found something useful for a pyramid. Kudos!