...Veterans Day...

Started by Ejay845, November 11, 2012, 11:52:59 PM

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So today in the U.S. for those of you that
don't know, it's Veteran's Day. It really bothers
me that we didn't celebrate it today. I know its
too late but I just wanted to bring it to attention.
We should celebrate this day because without
Veterans we wouldn't be able to have the freedom
to play games(Americans) and to host them(SkittyServers).
It realy bothers me that no one gives a crap about Veterans Day
and its insulting to people like me who know people are have people
who have died fighting for our freedom. So can't we celebrate these days?

For Non-Americans:
What is Veteran's Day? Its day where we(Americans) celebrate all those
who serve and have served in the U.S. armed forces. Fallen or not.

Why does it matter JUST for America? It doesn't just matter for America.
But if your country has a day like this, bring it to the server's attention.

Why do we have to celebrate this day server-wide? We have to celebrate this
day because not only is it disrespectful to the U.S. Veterans, but we have a majority
of people who are here that live in America. Also some of our servers even hosted there.


Even though I was late, next time we must celebrate Veterans Day. I don't know if you cared
or not, but you didn't show it here so thats what I thought. Thanks for reading, God bless.


Though I agree that it is important to respect veterans, I don't really think it's necessary to celebrate Veteran's Day in everything. I think it'll be more fitting of walking up to a known veteran, shake his or her hand, and say a simple "Thank you" like I did today. Today is a very touching day for those who have family members or friends in active service or have already done their duty, or lost someone they knew and cared about.

I wouldn't say that no one "gives a crap about Veteran's day". I can confidently say that at least one person in this server has a family member or a friend who's a veteran. I was away from home almost the entire day and almost everywhere I went, I saw so many things being done to honor soldiers. Even though it's too late, take the time tomorrow to say Thank you if you know someone who sacrificed all for our freedom. Not only is it true, but those simple words mean a lot to the veterans.

Happy Veteran's Day everyone. God Bless America and her protectors.
"To regret is to make an experience that of suffering. I do not regret the time spent, but rather wish it was spent on something else."


Also, Veterans day is not exclusive to America, it's called "Remembrance Day" in other countries. All our public services stopped for 2 minutes at 11:11 yesterday.
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.


My dad is a veteran; he was in the Air Force. Although he's never actually flown a plane, he deserves the respect that every other veteran does. I hope that you guys also have veterans or loved ones that are veterans.

Oh and I am so sorry. I went on a journey of discovery while I was kicked from servers. I discovered many things. I am just at that one age, you know, where boys turn to men. I just couldn't help it. I will try not to do that anymore.
I know i am young, but i might as well have fun with it.


#1: I agree, and I do care about veterans' day, I just feel like I get ignored when I try to say stuff on the servers.
#2: @Mister: It's *the not "teh"
#3: @Mister: nobody wants to know about your fappy adventures. Ew.

EDIT: By the way Mister, give your father a few thanks for me.


I'm not in favor of celebrating Veteran's/Remembrance Day on the server. It's very difficult for me to explain my reasoning, but I'll make an attempt:

The reason being is that we are a community composed of people from all over the world. There is something odd and uncomfortable in giving thanks to veterans as a whole world.  If we as a world say "Thank you" to all veterans, regardless of nationality, it feels as if we would be saying "Thank you veterans, for fighting and dying for/in our pointless genocides/crusades/misunderstandings. A veteran, in the context of a single nation, fights to protect peace. A veteran in the context of the whole world, is a victim of humanity's cruelty. He/she does not require a thanks, but rather, a sorry.

Furthermore, because we would look at veterans in the context of all nations united, your point (Ejay) that veterans allow us to play freely on this server becomes mute. Veterans would not be the reason we can play on this server, because if there were no veterans, there would be no threat to our playing on the internet in the first place. Looking at veterans as a whole world totally changes their roles, and they become simply the means for a nation to advance economic, political, and/or social interests. The means, and the prime victims. Giving thanks as a whole world would be inappropriate.

That being said, since I know the above paragraphs probably makes no sense, I'd like to stress that my reasoning is not that I believe that veterans do not deserve thanks, but that I feel it would send a wrong, and frankly morbid message.  I think we should reserve Veteran's Day as a private event for each individual nation. It is a time for a nation to thank its own veterans, not a time for the world to thank veterans for them dying because of our collective foolishness.
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.


Wow...... I've never thought about it from that perspective..... Anyway, that makes perfect sense Skittlez, you have nothing to worry about. Although, they're not really losing their lives from OUR foolishness, but from our leader's mistakes.


Quote from: BananaSquats on November 12, 2012, 10:36:24 PM
Although, they're not really losing their lives from OUR foolishness, but from our leader's mistakes.

I disagree. They become victims of humanity's mistakes. One single leader could never lead an entire genocide, inquisition, or crusade, you need the support of many people. It was the interests of a large amount of Catholics in Spain, no only that of Philip II, that led them lead the Armada Catolica against the British. It was the feeling of oppression among a notable number Germans that allowed Hitler to gain enough support, and in turn strength, to pull off a genocide. War is the hallmark of humanity's cruelty because in order for anyone to lead a substantial war, many people need to come together, and fight together.
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.


Quote from: Skittlez on November 12, 2012, 10:45:44 PM
One single leader could never lead an entire genocide, inquisition, or crusade, you need the support of many people.
Pol Pot. Brainwashed children to become his soldiers. Led the Cambodian Genocide.


Quote from: Krawkyz on November 12, 2012, 10:52:05 PM
Quote from: Skittlez on November 12, 2012, 10:45:44 PM
One single leader could never lead an entire genocide, inquisition, or crusade, you need the support of many people.
Pol Pot. Brainwashed children to become his soldiers. Led the Cambodian Genocide.

My point exactly. Any leader needs to convince a substantial amount of people that his/her views are correct, that the people have been oppressed, and that they need to rebel, and kill. Bear in mind that the Khmer Rouge had plenty of adult soldiers. Furthermore, the Party was supported by many people in Cambodia: Farmers felt oppressed and desperate, and the bombings that the Americans led during the Vietnam War egged them on to support the communist regime.
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.


You said one single leader could never "lead" a genocide, yet he did.


I feel that our debate does not contribute to this particular thread. I have stated that I feel it is inappropriate to celebrate Veteran's/Remembrance Day as a whole server. If you, or anyone else feels strongly enough about this matter to pursue it further, they can certainly ask the other SuperOPs who may be a bit more sympathetic to the cause.

However, to finish this debate in the cleanest manner, I propose that I make a point, which you may rebut. I will not rebut your rebuttal, or pursue the subject anymore in order to not further derail the point of this post.

My rebuttal:

Quote from: Krawkyz on November 12, 2012, 11:04:37 PM
You said one single leader could never "lead" a genocide, yet he did.

I feel that I may have phrased this wrong. By my words "One man cannot lead a genocide" I meant that a single person can never commit a genocide without the involvement of other people. And it is the involvement of other people that I feel betrays us to the realization that our nature is inclined towards cruelty.
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.


I don't want to say you're wrong. You're due your opinion. But I really want to stress that Veteran's day is really specifically for United States.
Though I agree with you; it's unnecessary to celebrate an event that's really for people in United States rather than a more universal celebration such as Christmas on a server that is a worldwide community. Heck, some people on the server didn't know what Veteran's day was. But does that mean some people on the server shouldn't celebrate Veteran's Day because the server is a worldwide community? Veteran's Day is a day where people can really show respect to veterans. As I stated before, it's mainly a day for Americans, not a worldwide celebration like Armistice Day.
"To regret is to make an experience that of suffering. I do not regret the time spent, but rather wish it was spent on something else."


Quote from: Jaysers on November 13, 2012, 12:12:13 AM
But does that mean some people on the server shouldn't celebrate Veteran's Day because the server is a worldwide community? Veteran's Day is a day where people can really show respect to veterans.

I don't mind people talking about Veteran's/Remembrance Day, or making posts about it etc. However, it seems to me that Ejay wants an Insomniac Server sanctioned celebration for this day, which I do not support. To me, it's not about the importance of the day, or how many on our server celebrate it. I'm against it because of the diversity of our community, and the resulting message that we would send if we were to sanction a server wide celebration.

Edit: I'd like the clarify again that Veteran's Day is not unique to the United States of America. This type of holiday is celebrated around the world, typically under a different name such as "Remembrance Day" or "Armistice Day". But the popularity of the event does not play into my logic for why we should not endorse this holiday as a whole server.
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.


As I said before, I completely agree that it shouldn't be a necessity to celebrate Veteran's Day in the server, seeing how it could start some.. unwanted discussion (such as this). Instead of Veteran's Day, maybe just Remembrance Day might suffice perhaps?

I'd like to note that originally, Veteran's Day was also called Armistice Day for the signing of the Armistice back in WW1. However, US Congress decided back in 1950's that they wanted to change the name to Veteran's Day specially for United States. It also falls under the same day Remembrance Day or Armistice Day is celebrated, but is made more personal for United States. But I see why Veteran's Day is seen the same as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day.

Hopefully this discussion doesn't do any harm to the server or to anyone within the server. I just think Ejay went a bit far saying Veteran's Day has to be celebrated in the server as well.
"To regret is to make an experience that of suffering. I do not regret the time spent, but rather wish it was spent on something else."