...Veterans Day...

Started by Ejay845, November 11, 2012, 11:52:59 PM

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Okay I have a new perspective now aswell. Since this is a gaming community, we should just stay it.
Just like before when bren made a post about American politics, I tried to quickly bring it down because
of all the fights that would appear.

This being a gaming server of all different nations, fights will break out in world-wide politics. I believe
we should just stay one gaming community, under God(if you believe), and in our own gaming bubble.
Also when stuff pops in like "NO MOAR GAMES 4 U" or some law like that happens, then we can discuss
about those certain politics and such. But for now, the only holidays I think should be celebrated is
things like Christmas, P.K. Day(when P.K. was born), I.S. Day (when I.S. was born), and birthdays(not a holiday but still should be celebrated).

I know my point is a bit ignorant(meaning it ignores the real world), but theres no reason for it not to since this is infact a gaming community who also plays games^^. I think the next step we should take is to host more servers for more popular games. That is, if we get enough trustworthy people who can host a server. Which I think we have ;)


Hell, all holidays except for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Easter, all go right by me unnoticed. 

Although we did get to screen Saving Ryan's Privates in class today to study all the sound design in the opening beach storm and let me tell you I was quite unnerved.  To think that what happened in that scene alone actually happened in real life is just dreadful.  I did not enjoy that movie nor do I enjoy the thought of what soldiers put themselves through way back when.

It was hell.  And we are arguing whether or not to celebrate them or not.

Just an acknowledgment is all we need.  An understanding of what those men went through and a simple thank you to any vets you may see.

Though not of this world, The Juwayyid finds human kind to be a tolerable enough species to hang around with.


The trick is to not turn a discussion into an argument. Reasonable people can have civilized discussions and exchange opposing opinions on things.

Anyone who feels that they are unable to comment on something without being too opinionated and causing offense, should probably steer clear of the discussion.
Surplus to requirements


I love that movie. They talked about it in my class. Isn't there a part where people snipe into other snipers' scopes?
I know i am young, but i might as well have fun with it.