Xbox One and PS4

Started by bren4q, May 24, 2013, 10:40:45 AM

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The impossible can be possible if you yearn to achieve it. -MB
[spoiler]Practice is good but I'd like to say it is not everything. Some people hit a 'plateau' and they practice for hours and hours but they just don't seem to get any better. It is mental. Escape the fate. There is no destiny because you can make your own. Talent does not exist, or if it does I do not have it. There is no such thing as gifted. If someone can do it, if it's possible, I can do it. You and I can become infinitely better. Maybe natural talent does exist, but it really doesn't matter because i'll overcome it. Fuck talent, fuck biology, and fuck a diceroll. I want to be the best and I'll rise no matter what. It's this psycho attitude which makes me 'so good'. -Wonderland (tf2 pro soldier/rocket jumper)[/spoiler]


Thirty-six pages of unread messages.
Two hundred fifty-one unread emails.
Six hundred eighty unread spam emails.
Now what would you do about this?


Those videos made me laugh so much. Thank you for rekindling my love for Totalbiscuit.
"- and stuff."



This Box X 1 is seeming quite handy?

(If that was posted already, sorry!)
Though not of this world, The Juwayyid finds human kind to be a tolerable enough species to hang around with.


Surplus to requirements


I feel like they've done more damage to themselves than they can heal. We'll find out later.


"online check-ins and no used games are what next gen is all about! You can't argue with it! It's the best!"
"WAITWAITWAITWAIT I was kidding! I was kidding! Uhhh here, we took all of that away, so you can forget everything that we said during e3 and the initial reveal."

I feel like Microsoft is trying to hide their own poo by covering it with dirt and flowers. The smell still lingers, and the stains have already set. Oh well, only time will tell if this was the right move to get them back on their feet.


Not long now until the new consoles are out. Anyone pre-ordered one?

Interesting article on brand loyalty in general.
Surplus to requirements


Not preordered, but I'm probably going to get one (PS4) because of KH3, and MGS5 if it doesn't come out for PC.
Not to mention more of dem Naughty Dog gaems :D


Ehh if I were to get one I think I'd get the Xbox one it looks good now that Microsoft fixed the major problems with it.
I fold my pants because pants is a big deal.


Step into the prehistoric era and come face to face with some of the greatest animals to ever walk the Earth!


ok some of those games made me want the console :I

Shoot for the moon. And if you miss....You'll die horribly in space.


This is what i have to say. Ghosts campaign was the SHIT. I loved it, sadly everything else was downright shit(multi-player is debatable). the reason I am buying the xbox one is three reasons: Halo, Halo, and finally... Halo. Most of the games on ps4 i believe i can get for pc.

P.S. Im getting both anyway.
\(^~^)/  I have voted myself fabulous.