VonBomburst's application for Freeman and Building Rights

Started by VonBomburst, March 25, 2014, 05:44:49 PM

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Username: VonBomburst

I heard about the server from someone I know, Padra314.

I am not any any ban lists anywhere.

Which server?  Survival is where I'm playing right now.  I will check out the creative server at some point, though.  How about both?

My contributions to the server will be a friendly and helpful attitude, humor, and hopefully some totally rad builds!

I started playing mine craft a couple of months ago because my kids were always talking about it and showing me stuff they made.  I've been hooked ever since!


Glad to see you got around to finding our website!  Glad to see you want to stick around and keep building!  Looking forward to future chats and hope to see yah online again soon.

Also glad to see more parents joining the community! 
Though not of this world, The Juwayyid finds human kind to be a tolerable enough species to hang around with.