Game Name Game

Started by Krawkyz, May 25, 2015, 12:19:37 AM

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This is a forum game (recently on imgur).
Take any game's name, and either remove or add one letter to any game name, then make a description of the game.

Need for Speed
Need for Seed: A woman's story

Papers Please
Paper Please: Empty Printer Simulator

("borrowed" from sif)
Untuned: You are an untrained piano repair man.  Increase your skill level by completing repair requests.

Castle Crashers
Caste Crashers: Gandhi


Castle Crashers
Castle Rashers: Spread the plague faster than your oponents!

Tomb Raider
Tom Raider: Tom is going to be most displeased when he sees his pantry...

Antchamber- The fifth grade science fair simulator.

Goat Simulator
Goat Stimulator- Figure it out.

The Last Tinker
The Last Stinker- In light of a violent attempt by world leaders to cull humanity of its less desirable traits, you must poot, toot, and propel yourself through 27 different levels while defending you're rights to crop-dust as you please.


Half Life
Half Lie: A story of politics.

Sonic Boom
Sonic Boo: A tale of our critical reviews

Prop Hunt
Pop Hunt: Spend the entire game chasing a can of soda; basically the same thing.

The Ship
The Sip: I hope this cup of tea isn't poisoned.
Held Together by Duct Tape


Mass Effect
Ass Effect: a scientific plotline exploring the asses of races and how they affect different races.

Oblivio: the epic adventure of an oblivious individual

Star Fox
Tar Fox: the sad tale of a fox and its team surviving an oil spill epidemic

The Witcher
The Switcher: a legendary hero who's primary power is to switch objects around

Mortal Kombat
Moral Kombat: two opposing factions face off in heated debate over morals and ethics of the world

I can do this all day...
"To regret is to make an experience that of suffering. I do not regret the time spent, but rather wish it was spent on something else."


Fatout: the sequel to Surgeon simulator but instead you perform cosmetic surgeries such as liposuction, breast enlargement etc.

Biosock: Stealth game where your special ability is to release fumes from your mouldy feet that incapacitates people.

Far Cry
Fart Cry: Stealth game where your special ability is to release fumes from your ass that incapacitates people.

Prayday: Rhythm action game for songs of praise where you must defeat each of the apostles in 12 increasingly difficult stages before the final Jesus boss fight.
Surplus to requirements


Shitman: Arcade action driving game where you drive a sewerage tanker truck around the city to clear toilet and sewer blockages

TALKER: Multiplayer game where you talk incessantly until the other players quit out of sheer boredom (requires microphone).

World Of Tanks
World Of Thanks: Educational quiz game that tests your manners and knowledge of good etiquette with multiple choice questions.

Borderlads: Top-down arcade game where you must get a group of Mexian lads across the border without being caught. Similar to Frogger.
Surplus to requirements


Punepic: An RPG where you slay monsters by making really bad puns.

AGE: A MMO game where you're born young and die old.

Don't Starve
Don't Stare: A classic game that takes place on a bus and multiple figures such as Rihanna and a naked woman
                      casually climb aboard and sit beside you.

The Binding of Isaac
The Blinding of Isaac: Throw things at Isaac to blind him, such as a car.

Dead Space
Dead Pace: A classic single player game of which you attempt to run at a comparing dead pace.

Muffin Knight
Muffin Night: A lonely muffin trying to make it through another lonely night.

RiderZ: Description unneeded

PlanetSide 2
PlantSide 2: The raging sequel taking place in a garden, you and your opponent, taking half of
                                the garden each, must plant as much flowers as you can.


Dota 2
Dot 2: The highly anticipated sequel to some dots i guess

Don't Starve
Don't Stave: Try your best to get into dangerous situations

Shovel Knight
Shove Knight: A knight of whom is extremely rude and shoves everyone away

Dust: An Elysian Tale
Dust: An Elysian Ale: There's dust in my drink. Apparently that is the point.

No More Room in Hell
No More Broom in Hell: Hell just got a lot dirtier

Bordelands: A very expansive landscape that has absolutely nothing in it.


Borerlands: a dull stare-em-up where you try to outbore your opponent.

Left for Dead
Left or Dead: a thrilling game where you have to go left everytime, or die.

Darkest Dungeon
Darest Dungeon: a game with a party of 4 trying to outdare each other in a dungeon.

Resident Evil
President Evil: your special force squad is tasked with taking down the evil corporation NSAmbrella, headed by the evil president...
"To regret is to make an experience that of suffering. I do not regret the time spent, but rather wish it was spent on something else."


Left for dead
Left for pet: Your parents have left you alone with their 200 pets, try to survive.

Limbo: preform the traditional and popular dance Limbo, how low can you go?

Grand Theft Auto
Grand Left Auto: Big cars are left around the city.

League of Legends
Weed of Legends: A game where you smoke weed with the legends.Feat. Snoop Dogg

Team Fortress
Beam Fortress: A game where you beam fortresses around.

Taken: A game where you play as Liam Neeson winning the Iron Fist Tournament.

Crash Bandicoot
Flash Bandicoot: A game where you walk around and flash yourself as a bandicoot.

Pitcher: A game where you throw balls around.

Nutborne: A game where you are born with nuts.

Need for Speed
Need for Meat: A game where you have to eat a lot of meat.

Dario: A game where you live the life as Dario Campeotto Angelique.

Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball: A game where you have to collect the testicles from dragons.

Power Rangers
Shower Rangers: a game where you fight your bacterias in the shower.

The Stomping Land
The Humping Land: A game where you hump the land.

Call of Duty
Call of Booty: A game where you call for a booty.

Thrust: A game where you thrust.


Mindcraft: A game where you have to use insane amounts of brainpower to allow the cheaply made neuro signal sensor to register enough to place one block.

MAYDAY 2: Plane chrash simulator sequel.

Left for Dead: Proper grammar simulator. Not funny anymore, doesn't follow the rules.

Larry's Mod: Garry's rival mod.

Splinter cell call-list: A russian roulett variant where you phone will act like a hand granade if you call the wrong number. Not funny anymore, doesn't follow the rules.

Tomb Braider: You work for the undertaker, braiding hair on dead people.

Muddle: Drink making simulator. (Relevant reading material: Muddler, Puddle game)



Hey guys, the rules are to ADD or SUBTRACT a SINGLE letter to change the name, just to let you know.


Far Cry
Far Ry: a game where you, a seemingly nobody, have to brave the dangerous farmland that is filled with the murderous rye..

The Witcher
The Itcher: ending man's misery, one itchy testicle at a time.

Transformer: the game in which you the main character play a formerly transgender individual and must find the all-queer in order to check your privilege.

MineRaft: a survival based horror game in which you're stranded on a drifting raft. Worst part? Your hands are cubanized. (Heh... Get it? Cube? Cuban? Hahaha sheeeeeeeii)
"To regret is to make an experience that of suffering. I do not regret the time spent, but rather wish it was spent on something else."