How to Request Freeman rank on Survival or Building Rights on Creative

Started by Jahona, November 29, 2011, 09:55:58 PM

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Please use this template when posting a building rights request.  Requests that fail to use this template will be ignored until they are corrected.  Please make a post in the correct subsection and not in private messages.

Minecraft Username:

How did you find this server? If you already know a player here what is their username?

Are you on any ban lists on other servers?

What server are you requesting rights for (Survival/Creative/Both)

In what other ways will you contribute to the server and community?

Tell us a little about yourself (you don't have to go personal.  Something like when did you start playing minecraft and why.):

Once you are ready, click here!,31.0.html
Step into the prehistoric era and come face to face with some of the greatest animals to ever walk the Earth!


Please do note that answering "yes" on question number 3 does not automatically mean your request will be denied. It's better you are upfront about it than us having to find out about it elsewhere.