code snippets - HTML - Turn any element into a link:

Started by ThorSummoner, December 22, 2011, 05:47:59 PM

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Ever used anchors to make links and then need to modify link style to make it look good? Well i have, and I've come to the reolization that I can do it better with javascript.
So I did; I used the JQuery framework to simplifly the code, this first bit is the function that makes it work:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
function redirect(v_location) {if(v_location){window.location = v_location;}else{window.location = "./error/404.html"};};


This second bit is an example of how to make any element a link.
simply add a href="" attribute to any element, the funtions above will check the mouse's events and see if its over anything designated to be a link and take approprate action;

For example:

<div href="html://">This now is basically a link!</div>

Since this posting ive ramped up some more features, but I fear they would be awefuly confusing to anyone not adept at how html is renderd.