Classic servers currently hard to connect to. Here's why.

Started by Krawkyz, December 26, 2011, 10:49:56 PM

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WoM has fixed the issue. is still undergoing issues.

No updates have currently been given on and how they are fixing problems (as of the forums).
WoM should be updated to 2.0.6.


Wait, mine craft the site was hacked?  Or just the insomniac servers? 
Though not of this world, The Juwayyid finds human kind to be a tolerable enough species to hang around with.

Krawkyz servers were "hacked" and servers were duplicated to lag the server list.


Yaay! Good news, I see Insomniac servers, bad news, I now see the Connection Refused: Connection
error popup on my screen when I click it. Hopefully the servers are just down



This was a problem for a week or two at the end of December as the dates on the original posts here would indicate. Its been resolved for a few weeks now.
Surplus to requirements