2012? Mayans? This again?

Started by Krawkyz, January 01, 2012, 11:13:51 AM

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What did the Mayans think when they ended their calendar at 2012?


They were at a drunken party and decided to come up with a way to count days (HELL who needs that?!), so they decided to go until 2112, which is obviously the end of the world. Since they were drunk, however, they couldn't tell the different between 2112, 907, and bren4q. Therefore, they just guessed and wrote down 2012. In English. Somehow.



This just goes to show how easily people can hypnotized by what other people say. Like people are saying Elvis is dead. That's crazy! Ha! It would be so ironic if something cataclysmic happened on that date though. Oh that would be the biggest troll evar.


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