Potential for Diablo III

Started by Omegoa, November 15, 2011, 12:25:31 AM

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In the past, Power Krew has been a place for MineCrafters to come together and enjoy the wonders of MineCraft. As we rise from the ashes that have been left to us, I feel that it might be wise for this reborn clan to expand its horizons to encompass a larger world of gaming. One such option exists in the up-and-coming Diablo III.

Those familiar with the Diablo series will be aware of the longevity of Diablo II -- released in 2001, there is still a solid -- if diminished -- following today. If we were to take advantage of the opportunity presented by Diablo III it would provide a pool for future recruitment and a long-lived one at that. The other advantage is that there is no real responsibility on the part of the clan to host and maintain servers -- this is all done through Blizzard's battle.net. The forum would serve as a hub for like-minded players to get together, have fun, and organize, which has been a primary function of this clan from the beginning. Furthermore, it allows players to be exposed to different games and broaden their own horizons.

MineCraft is a very neutral game in that it can appeal to any variety of gamer who has a desire to build -- lest that be building the latest Modern Warfare gun or paying homage to the dragons of mythology. Diablo III would only be the first of these games, and MineCraft will serve as the glue that holds a community built on many diverse games and gamers together. Perhaps this might not come together as peaceably as I envision, but if it all implodes we are back to ground zero . . . here.

The rebuilding of this clan will be a slow process, but it is a process that can be expedited. Opening the forums to games, such as Diablo III, provides a unique opportunity for the clan as a whole. Fortune favors the audacious -- let us grab fortune by the bollocks and show it true audacity.
"I have nightmares about hell, where all I do is add up numbers and try to have conversations with people like you."