Survival Server (Mob Repellent)

Started by Jahona, April 27, 2012, 12:56:17 PM

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How do I use MobRepellent?

To create a repeller you'll need 7 iron, gold, or diamond blocks. First, using five blocks, construct a shape that looks like a plus sign (+) parallel with the ground. Next, place the remaining two blocks directly above the block in the center of the plus sign. See these:

Step 1:

Step 2:

After the repeller is constructed, no hostile mobs will spawn within a cuboid radius of the base of the repeller. For instance, if the radius is 50 blocks, it will repel in a 100x100x100 cube centered at the base of the repeller. Neutral mobs are not blocked by default, but this can be configured in the config.yml. MobRepellent does not affect mob spawners, hostile nor passive. To remove the repeller, simply remove one of the blocks that is part of the repeller.
Default repeller types and radii:  Blocks Subject To Change

  • Small - Iron block - 20 block radius
  • Medium - Gold block - 35 block radius
  • Large - Diamond block - 50 block radius

All console commands for Moderator and Up
/mrlist - Lists all currently loaded repellers
/mrreload - Reloads the configuration file
/mrremove [repellerNumber] - Removes the selected number as found in the list given by /mrlist. Does not remove the repeller structure.
/mrremoveall - Removes all currently loaded repellers. Does not remove the repeller structure.
Step into the prehistoric era and come face to face with some of the greatest animals to ever walk the Earth!


i use this plugin on my server. it is very helpful. however.
it sometimes stops friendly mobs from spawning.

Shoot for the moon. And if you miss....You'll die horribly in space.


I mainly have it to stop mobs from spawning in the Spawn City.  It's set to let neutral mobs spawn so....  Working as intended????
Step into the prehistoric era and come face to face with some of the greatest animals to ever walk the Earth!


can we build these around our homes or is it for moderators only?
QuoteThey found a glowing hole containing vast amounts of redstone technology. It would be thrashes and kraws secret redstone area. They had it on the border for fear they'd be griefed or messed with. (since these machines would take days tto make (with thier kind of work ethic (speaking for thrash(kinda kraw(mostly thrash)))))

Its A Giant Ass Calculator. That's the name: The A Giant Ass Calculator


I'll answer, for everybody, but place them that they don't get stolen xD
No limits for the lion!
Currently studying Digital Arts & Entertainment at Howest, specifically Game Development.


its an everybody plugin.

diamond creates a 50x50 block radius around it to prevent enemy mobs from spawning.

once and a while it glitches.

Shoot for the moon. And if you miss....You'll die horribly in space.


The ones at the spawn are hidden and or encased in bedrock.  I would suggest hiding them since LWC doesn't work on them.
Step into the prehistoric era and come face to face with some of the greatest animals to ever walk the Earth!


Shoot for the moon. And if you miss....You'll die horribly in space.