Um... Does the threads appear like this for everyone?

Started by Saracalia, June 07, 2012, 02:01:18 AM

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The impossible can be possible if you yearn to achieve it. -MB
[spoiler]Practice is good but I'd like to say it is not everything. Some people hit a 'plateau' and they practice for hours and hours but they just don't seem to get any better. It is mental. Escape the fate. There is no destiny because you can make your own. Talent does not exist, or if it does I do not have it. There is no such thing as gifted. If someone can do it, if it's possible, I can do it. You and I can become infinitely better. Maybe natural talent does exist, but it really doesn't matter because i'll overcome it. Fuck talent, fuck biology, and fuck a diceroll. I want to be the best and I'll rise no matter what. It's this psycho attitude which makes me 'so good'. -Wonderland (tf2 pro soldier/rocket jumper)[/spoiler]


Quote from: MarcusBoay on June 07, 2012, 04:28:52 AM
Probably because you're using it on a phone?

MarcusBoay, you have a lot to learn. It wasn't doing this last night when I was on the forums. But it actually could be true

EDIT: I fix'd up the mistake in my typing of what I am trying to say


Is it working for you yet or still like this?
Try clearing your cache/cookies (not sure if you can do that on a iPhone but you can try) and try again.  It's fine from my computer.

Likely just a formatting glitch with your phone - especially if your connection isn't great, formatting errors can happen.

Good to be back on the forums.  It's been a while.

Howdy, I'm McG.  Musician/producer, competitive sailor, avid Minecrafter.

Check out my SC page!  If you like what you hear I might be releasing downloads soon.


My Gawd those avatars look like poo. Is it you Pc or just the picture?
