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Insomniac Forums => Request / Appeal a Ban or Demotion => Topic started by: AustinAyers105 on June 17, 2015, 07:05:57 AM

Title: Issue with Pistons and Protection Stones
Post by: AustinAyers105 on June 17, 2015, 07:05:57 AM
So, Jahona was fixing up my house from when the wither busted it all up right? I mentioned to him that someone said they had used pistons to move my blocks. Jahona stated that it was impossible to do that to someone's claimed land. So, a few weeks later, I tested that. I got someone else, gave them a sticky piston and a lever and had them place it 2 blocks away from my house. I then had them switch the lever and the piston went forward and touched my house. They then switched it again, and the piston retracted, bringing back a block with it.

So, Jahona, could you please fix this issue? I'd rather not be griefed  secretly (or in any form for that matter) :P
Title: Issue with Pistons and Protection Stones
Post by: Jaysers on June 17, 2015, 07:07:22 AM
... Well he's determined, I'll give him that.
Title: Re: Issue with Pistons and Protection Stones
Post by: Jahona on June 17, 2015, 12:20:30 PM
Ok I went on and tested further.  You can't push blocks into a protected region with a piston.  You can use a sticky piston to pull a block out of a region.  I've looked and there is currently no way to block plulling a block out of a protected region.  Move your walls in by 1 and people won't be able to grab them with a sticky piston.  I've checked both the protection stones plugin and WorldGuard and there is not a setting to prevent this.  Sorry for misleading you but I was talking about regular pistons when we talked last.  Blame notch for sticky piston mechanics.