Insomniac Servers

Insomniac Forums => General Discussions => Topic started by: Saracalia on November 18, 2016, 06:57:46 PM

Title: A Mod I Hvae Been Working On!
Post by: Saracalia on November 18, 2016, 06:57:46 PM
During the time of being inactive from Insomniac Servers, I have well, been building on Minecraft my projects, until I started getting help with a mod from a fellow user on Planet Minecraft. At first, the mod was called SVE (Saracalia's Vehicle Extension), since it was first an extention off FRSM, but first, the models was all, cheap. All built in Minecraft and converted to .obj, which caused a lot of lag because of how much there was to render. So then went to look at the next step of actually trying to code myself. Got help by the owner of FRSM, and well, the models were soon built in Toolbox, and now...

From version 1.7.01-1.7.05:
These versions was a lot of test ideas with models, and these versions were still an extention to FRSM. But the ideas I got from all these versions had me really going with something big, until about a month ago, I started on recreating all new models, adding some new models, bringing back some old models, etc.
C4 Model in Toolbox

Building the models are easy, coding them in is the fun part...
Siesta Van Renderer

The new version of my mod would be released on the 2016-11-24, and I thought I might just share with you all the entire mod that I have been working on!