WOM connection problem - how to connect directly to Insomniac Classic

Started by bren4q, March 10, 2012, 10:27:28 PM

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There's a problem with at the moment that stops it from logging in. If you want to connect to Insomniac Classic using WOM and it was the last server you were logged into, you should be able to hit Resume and it will connect you to whatever server you logged into last.

If Resume doesn't get you in you can use the Direct Connect URL as follows.

The direct connect URL is made up of:

Server IP: isclassic.dyn-o-saur.com
Server Port: 25567 (IS2)
Server Port: 25566 (IS1)

You have your own username.
To find your encrypted password there are a few steps needed.

  • Go to minecraft.net and login as yourself.
  • Go to the Multiplayer server list and connect to Insomniac Classic through minecraft.net on your browser.
  • On the page that appears where it will load the game, right click on the web page and View Source.
  • Search for mppass and copy the code that appears after the word "value".
    e.g. <param name="mppass" value="a59ffce44a2397064e85xxxxxxxxxxxx">
    The a59ffce44a2397064e85xxxxxxxxxxxx is the mppass, but it will be different for each person.
  • Join up all the parts to make the direct connection URL.
    e.g. for me it would be like:
    For you, it will be mc://isclassic.dyn-o-saur.com:25566/yourname/yourmppass
  • Run WOM and paste the URL into the Direct connect URL line and hit Go.

Its been tested and it works. There is one flaw however if the server-list or server restarts or goes down. Your mpass might/will change.

The WOM team are looking into the ongoing login problem. Krawkyz found info here about it.
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