Is anyone having problems with where you're spawning?

Started by Saracalia, December 08, 2011, 11:17:40 AM

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I seem to be having problems where I am spawning in unusual places when switching maps. Example...

This is just from switching maps to the zombies map.


Though not of this world, The Juwayyid finds human kind to be a tolerable enough species to hang around with.


ive been having the same problem easy fix is just do /spawn when it happens
QuoteThey found a glowing hole containing vast amounts of redstone technology. It would be thrashes and kraws secret redstone area. They had it on the border for fear they'd be griefed or messed with. (since these machines would take days tto make (with thier kind of work ethic (speaking for thrash(kinda kraw(mostly thrash)))))

Its A Giant Ass Calculator. That's the name: The A Giant Ass Calculator


i some times spawn underground when im lagging but nothing like that o.o