Hermitpack Modded [Test?] Server

Started by Krawkyz, December 04, 2016, 05:12:00 PM

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Version: 1.10.2 Forge
Server IP: jahona.no-ip.org:25564

Modpack: Hermitpack

How to join (via Curse):
Download Curse
Create a Curse Account (You can do this via Curse)
Log In
On the left side of Curse, click the "Minecraft" Tab
Click "Install"
Click "Browse Modpacks" or "Browse FTB Modpacks" (they do the same thing)
Find "FTB Presents Hermitpack"
Click "Install" in the top left corner (this WILL download the modpack)
Select "Play" in the top left corner (this installs the modpack and minecraft client)
[Optional] Close Curse by right-clicking the taskbar icon and selecting "Exit Curse"
Sign into Minecraft
Make sure your profile is "FTB presents Hermitpack"
Select the Profile, and start up Minecraft (takes a bit)
Connect to jahona.no-ip.org:25564


Thank you very much for making this post, Kraw. I enabled Journeymap teleport, I haven't checked if you can teleport directly to a player, but please unless you have permission from that person, do not use it to teleport to someone. There is currently a problem with cables that I don't know how occurs. It's fixed by unloading and then loading the affected chunk (everybody teleports far away then back)



So I attached an image that I think sums up the problems we're having with the mod server. I am working on fixes, bear with me, there might be disruptions. I updated the server to the latest version.



So I have been in contact with Darth, and we have both did what we could to try and see if we could figure out the problem, we tried a lot of things but long story short it's not looking good and we might have to scrap this server if we want to keep having a mod server. I have tried reaching out to a reddit community with tips, but unless they come up with anything solid, I don't think there is much we can do anymore. I will hold off for a few more hours awaiting answers to the post and input on what to do next.



The server has been updated to hermitpack 1.5.1 (beta), when updating be sure to make a new profile as this change might not be final.

Also the IP has been changed as of 12/11/2016 to : is1.is-lost.org:25569